Старт в науке
Научный журнал для школьников ISSN 2542-0186
О журнале Выпуски Правила Олимпиады Учительская Поиск Личный портфель


Романова А.В. 1
1 Урюпинский муниципальный район Волгоградской области, МБОУ «Креповская СШ», 9 класс
Шумилина Е.И. (Урюпинский муниципальный район Волгоградской области, МБОУ «Креповская СШ»)
1. Болдушева О.А. Лингвистические особенности оформления SMS-сообщений. / О.А. Болдушева, Н.А. Григорова, В.И. Задояный. – http://conf.bstu.ru/articles/.
2. Большой Энциклопедический словарь. http://www.vedu.ru/BigEncDic/61.
3. Википедия. – http://ru.wikipedia.org.
4. Гальперин И.Р. Текст как объект лингвистического исследования / И.Р. Гальперин. – М., 2009. – 18 с.
5. Ионина, А.А. Особенности современного текстового мышления. SMS-язык. – М., 2007.
6. Оксфордский словарь (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).
7. Попова С.А. Феномен SMS-языка / С.А. Попова // Английский язык. – 2009. – №7.
8. Сидорова M.Ю. Засоряют ли СМС-сообщения русский язык? Или на зеркало неча пенять (статья).
9. Солганик Г.Я. Стилистика текста. / Г.Я. Солганик. – М.: Флинта; Наука, 2000.
10. Хейлик Т.А.. СМС как новая форма речевой коммуникации. http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal.
11. Шилоносов А.И. Графические особенности SMS-текста. http://www.jurnal.org/article.
12. http://www.english.language.ru/slang/slang_sms.html.

Communication through mobile phone – today is the most common and affordable way for students of electronic communication. Mobile telephony provides not only voice transmission information, but also send text messages,which are called SMS (Short Message Service). Nowadays, mobile phones have the function of exchange SMS-messages, which is one of the most popular in mobile communications. The word «SMS» has already become a literary language, and became widely used. Since communication with a mobile phone – one way transmission of information over long distances, the transmission of SMS- messages directly related to the «mass communication».

With the development of communication technology with mobile phones in our lives and broke quickly gained popularity SMS- messages, which have become an integral part of youth culture. What attracts young people this kind of communication? According to psychologists, SMS- chat liberates people: in the short message you can write something that is difficult to say aloud in a lively conversation. Nowadays, people use text messaging to transmit not only what – or information, as well as to invest in their feelings, emotions and a certain sense, for example, when writing greeting SMS – messages. Some mobile users (students are no exception) send up to 30 messages per day. University students and school pupils are widely used SMS- messages for several reasons: this way of communication saves time and money; SMS- message can be delivered at the right time for your destination, use the SMS- messages handy if you want to keep quiet. Teens use the services of a mobile phone, not only in school at recess, but during lessons (they send short text messages to get a clue or compare answers and solutions).

Electronic method of written communication students – correspondence with each other via SMS- messages – is a written form of spoken language learners. In my opinion, there was a special way of communicating teenagers – the language of SMS-messages (or SMS- language), which is based on the use of certain slang and words invented by the students and has a predominance of neologisms and unusual cuts. In addition, it is replenished constantly vocabulary of e-mails from the modified speaking, living in chat rooms and on Internet forums. Finally, short text messages, representing the written form of spoken language learners reflect the natural processes that occur in the SMS- language.

It is important to note that in recent years has increased interest in the language of SMS-messages schoolchildren. Russian society is beginning to worry about the problems associated with modern culture speech of students appear in print individual articles, the authors of which relate to the problem of « mobilemanii « among teenagers.

This topic is relevant, since virtually all cellular users, especially teenagers, have resorted to the use of SMS language in their communication. And as cellular communication appeared in our life recently, then SMS – a new phenomenon and requires further study.

Therefore, the purpose of my work – Identify and describe the features of SMS-modern English language.

To achieve the objectives were as follows:

1. Explore the history of the emergence and development of language SMS.

2. Determine the relevance of studying SMS-language among the youth;

3. Analyze the results.

History of SMS- Language

SMS- abbreviation stands for: Short Message Service. Today it is the most popular technology capable of exchanging information anywhere and at anytime using cellular. And we are now hard to imagine a time when there was no SMS as well as mobile phones. And very few people think about when it was first sent an SMS-message, and who invented SMS. This technology has become one of the symbols of modern mobile life – today SMS service used by more than 80 % of mobile subscribers in France only for one day people share more than 20 million messages sent and the number of posts around the world hundreds of billions a year.

History of development of SMS is very interesting: 14 years this service has remained unclaimed, and then for a short period of time for most operators become almost the main source of additional income.

It all started back in 1991 when the Institute of Telecommunications Standards (ETSI) proposed a mechanism for the exchange of small blocks of text information between the mobile subscriber stations. However, it was then sent from a PC to a mobile phone. December 3, 1992 the British company Vodafone engineer Neil Papuort (Neil Papworth) sent from a PC to a mobile phone to colleagues the world’s first SMS – message containing a short greeting Merry Christmas. Message was «Merry Christmas» («Merry Christmas»). /////. Thus was born the technology, changed afterwards mobile life of millions of people worldwide.

Now Neil Papuort lives with his family in Montreal and works as a software architect in the company Tekelec. Interview with Neil Papuortom.

– What was the purpose of sending messages in one day?

– Demonstrate that you can send SMS outside of the laboratory.

– Why you are asked to send a message?

– I was one of those employees who worked installing and testing the software for our customer – company Vodafone.

– How do you verify that the message was delivered, and where there was a host?

– I sent SMS to Richard Jarvis (Richard Jarvis), who was at the Christmas party of Vodafone. Colleague Richard Jarvis called the manager, who was next to me. The manager was out of Vodafone.

– How did you come up with the idea to send the message «Merry Christmas» on December 3rd? Did you find that the message is too long to go?

– What else could send a Christmas party?

– What did you feel at the time when the message was sent and delivered?

– It was a professional moment. We felt the tension. When we realized what we did, just thought, «Great!»

– When did you realize that you have a successful pioneer of global communication tool?

– Ha, I did not even think about it until the moment is not yet widely sanctified 10th anniversary SMS.

– What impact SMS had on your life personally?

– I continue to work with SMS for almost 20 years. Every year I get 5 minutes of fame – write about me in the local newspaper. Starred in commercials Superbow l!

– What is the most important or most memorable SMS you have sent or received?

– Post birth of my three children – relatives and friends.

– Which famous person would you like to send SMS?

– I’m a big fan of Formula 1. I would have sent a message to the Briton Jenson Button (Jenson Button).

– Imagine that you have the possibility to send SMS to all mobile phones in the world. What would you write?

– Do not write SMS while driving! (Don’t txt & drive!)

– When you wrote this letter last?

– When I was in Vodacom in Johannesburg, I wrote several letters to his mother! It was 1994!

Already in 1993 the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor and British broadcaster Cellnet began to offer its clients the service of sending text messages via telephone. But promising technology was not popular, for example, the number of SMS-messages in 1995 was 0.4 pieces per month.

Ability to send and receive short text messages was laid in the standard GSM. GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications (global digital standard for mobile communications). Operators are not in a hurry to bring to market a new service, since while the mobile market is just being formed, and there was no clear understanding of how to use the new service from a commercial standpoint. Number of users are interested in this service was also small. A take on the additional costs of an unknown technology promotion nobody wanted – why take the risk, even when conventional mobile communication services for many at that time were a luxury, and subscribers gladly pay a lot of money just for the opportunity to talk on the phone.

On the fate of the new service was affected by that at first it gives you for free. With the advent of free service, determine the range of its users – basically it was a youth. And those huge volumes of messages that young people sent to each other, allowing the operator to make a conclusion about the unprecedented popularity of the service SMS. As a result, he became chargeable. But it is not able to stop the flow of phone messages and phone gradually began to turn from the way of communication managers and professionals in the device used massively. At this point began the rebirth SMS – were « mobilized « youth saw a chance to save the new service, as well as a new means of expression

Due to the relatively low cost of one SMS – messages began to bring new service very good money, and consequently received and market recognition. Operators have realized that it is profitable, and launched aggressive advertising support new services, and in 2000 allowed its customers to send SMS to users of other networks. All this has dramatically increased the attractiveness of services, and also served as a fact of penetration of SMS to the masses.

Due to its simplicity and relatively low cost compared with the call, SMS service continues to evolve and captures all new applications.

Classification of SMS-Messages

Types of SMS-Messages

There are different types of SMS – messages: abbreviation, letters, numbers and emoticons. Consider each type of SMS – messages.

I. Abbreviators.

Acronyms – words formed Abbreviations and read through the alphabetical name or initial letters of the initial sounds of words in it. This is the most common way SMS-messages.

Starting the history of language abbreviations should be attributed to the time the telegraph.

Telegraph first began when transmitting messages omit vowels in words. However, they are limited only official word, enter into written speech «pt», «PTA», «CSC», «kWh», «dvtch», «vskl.» Currently, this method cuts in the derivation called «fluency vowels» has been developed in specific terms: (msg-message, pls-please, adds-address, gds-goods, acct-account, exx-examples, exps-expenses, rwy-railway, mdnt-midnight, bldg-building, bkg-banking, bldv-boulevard, scrpt-scripture).

Further, the idea found its continuation in Morse code, where whole words instead of radio operators used it initial syllables. In modern English word formation, there are several options for reducing the basics as the final part of the truncation of the original word: (vac-vacation, hols-holidays, dino-dinosaurus, armo-armoured, grad-graduate, techno-technology, doc-doctor, demo-demonstration, crim-criminal, ad-advertisement); truncation of the first syllable in the original word: (telephone-phone, defence-fence); truncation both syllables at the beginning and end of a word: (flu-influenza, fridge-refridgerator).

Reduction from the initial letters of the phrases found later, during the Second World War, in the telegrams of American and British soldiers home: SWALK (Sealed With A Loving Kiss – «Sealed with Love») and TTFN (Ta Ta For-»While saying goodbye»).

Abbreviation in the form of the initial letters of collocations and input structures by the end of XX century, is used not only in the media, advertising, Internet, fax messages and SMS-messages, but in colloquial speech: UK-United Kingdom, PC-personal computer, PM-Prime Minister, IQ-intelligence quotient, VIP-very important person, PR-public relations. IOW-in other words, FTF-face to face, BBS-be back soon, MYOB-mind your own business, DIY-do it yourself, ASAP-as soon as possible, WB-welcome back, HAND-have a nice day, ATB-all the best, FYI-for your information.

Undergo reduction as geographic names: NYC-New York City, LA-Los Angeles, ME-Middle East, York, etc.

It is believed that the tendency to replace the words in capital letters became popular in the 80s mainly due to the emergence of rock bands that are not only cutting their names, but they were embedded in the second (secret) meaning:

«U2» – «You two» («both of you») or «You too» («you too»), «INXS» – «In exess» or «In access» («in excess, in abundance»).

The method of derivation model Abbr + N – N – + abbreviation word – the word (H-film – horror film, L-driver – learning driver, V-ball – volleyball, F-ball – football, X-treme – extreme, V-day – Victory day, G-man – government man, etc.) also is a relatively new and tends to develop. (Appendix 1)

Appendix 1






As soon as possible

Как можно скорее


At the moment

На данный момент


Are you there?

Ты уверен?





Bye bye for know

На сегодня пока


(1 will) be back later

Я вернусь попозже


Bring your own

Приноси с собой


End of day

Конец дня


Estimated time of arrival

Предполагаемое время прибытия


For your information

К твоему сведению


Got to go

Пора идти


I give up

Я отказываюсь


In my opinion

По моему мнению


In regards to

В связи с…


Just a minute



Just in time

Как раз вовремя


Just joking

Просто шутка

II. Letters and numbers.

The second type of drawing up a word consisting of letters and numbers on the pronunciation similar to ordinary, familiar to us in words, but shorter on writing (Appendix 2)

Appendix 2

Letters and Numbers









Да, хорошо








You’re, your

Ты, твой



До, перед





I want to see you

Я хочу с тобой увидеться

10s nel

Tennis anyone?

Кто-нибудь играет в теннис?


One, want

Один, хочу




















What’s up

Что случилось?




III. Emoticons.

Also of great importance in correspondence have so-called «emoticons».

In Wikipedia, this term is the following definition:

Smiley (born smiley – «smiling») – a stylized graphical representation of a smiling human face, is traditionally depicted as a yellow circle with two black dots representing eyes and a black arc symbolizing the mouth.

Emoticons are used to transmit the mood. You can use them to report on their mood, using only 2–3 marks. (Appendix 3)

Appendix 3






Happy face for humour, laughter

Веселое, радостное лицо


Super happy/toothy smile

Очень веселое лицо


Sad face for sadness, upset

Грустное, печальное лицо



Подмигивающее лицо


Wry face

Перекошенное лицо


Tongue out for just kidding

Лицо, показывающее язык


Shout in anger

Кричу от злости


I’ve got a running nose

У меня насморк

SMS – Argo

Argo (from Fr. Argot) – language a closed social group of people characterized by specificity used vocabulary, originality of its use, but does not have its own grammatical and phonetic system.

Not to be confused jargon and slang. Jargon usually has a professional attachment may be used as slang, regardless of profession. For example, in modern French language many words used as slang young people from poor neighborhoods, and managers with higher education.

Often, a slang language meant an underclass of society, the language of thieves, vagabonds and beggars. Argot actually become synonymous with « Fenya.» Argo is not independent of the system is reduced to the specific usage of words within a common language. Argo interacts with jargon and vernacular, forming a special lexical layer – slang.

Argo often identified with the concept of secret language. (Wikipedia)

SMS-Argo popularity is so great that he was to have a major influence on modern English. Increasingly, there is a substitution of a living language the language of abbreviations and symbols. Translations appear on the SMS-language works of Shakespeare, which are designed to attract the attention of the British school and university students to help them better understand the classical literature and efficiently prepare for exams. From the works of selected key passages which may be quoted in the examinations and seminars.

Here is the famous Hamlet’s soliloquy «To be or not to be: that is the question «, translated into SMS:

2 bа Ntb? = ?

«To be or not to be? That is a question».

Authors such experiments believe that the translation of literary works from English to SMS – language, guided by well-known popular expression « Brevity – the soul of wit,» you can identify the most important elements of the plot. So looks pretty volume work «Romeo and Juliet» English classic, compressed using recording rules of SMS – messages to several, dozens of lines :

FeudTween2hses – Montague & Capulet. RomeoM falls_ <3w/_JulietC @ mary Secretly Bt R kills JVs Coz & isbanishd. J faces Death. As Part of Plan2b-w / R Btjeter Bt ItNvr Reachs him. Evrylconfuzd – bothLuvrs kil Emselves.

Feud between two houses – Montague and Capulet. Romeo Montague falls in love with Juliet Capuletti and they married secretly, but Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin and he is banished. Juliet faces Death. As a part of the plan she wants to be with Romeo, but the letter never reaches him. Everything confused and both lovers kill themselves.

«The feud between the two houses – the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo Montague falls in love with Juliet Capulet, they secretly marry, but Romeo kills Juliet’s brother, and his banished. Juliet mimics his own death. According to the plan she wants to be with Romeo and wrote him a letter, but it misses him. All mixed up, and lovers kill themselves. «

If the plot does not undergo significant changes, the beauty of the classic English language becomes inaccessible.

Likewise, students, saving time, in the language of text messages can get acquainted with the works of John Milton («Paradise Lost»), Charles Dickens («Bleak House»), Jane Austen («Pride and Prejudice»), Geoffrey Chaucer («Canterbury Tales «).

On the SMS language has been translated all the «Iliad» of Homer:

Paris went 2 fight menelaus. But he was wiv fright. Hector told im 2 b a man. Shame on him! Helen went 2 watch from da walls.

Paris went to fight with Menelaus. But he was with fright. Hector told him to be a man. Shame on him! Helen went to watch from the walls.

Paris went to fight with Menelaus. But he was horrified. Hector told him, that he was a man. Shame on you! Elena looked at it from the wall of the city.

Emeritus Professor of English Literature at University College London, John Sutherland, with the support of which the experiments with literary language, believes that SMS is «promising educational resource.»

In Australia, translated the Bible into the language of SMS in order to make it more accessible to the younger generation. Bible Society representatives believe that the new «translation» of the Bible text remains unchanged. Another was a «spelling».

In Scottish University Strathclyde in Glasgow opened the world’s first special courses «texting», which may be recorded by anyone. Special language of SMS – messages («texting») has received formal recognition as a means of communication and transmission of information. Texting is a set of common abbreviations, allowing a minimum of symbols to convey a maximum of meaning.

Dissemination texting led to that 13–year-old schoolgirl public high school in the west of Scotland passed schoolteacher essay «How I spent the summer?» In the style of short text messages exchanged between mobile phone users. The writing looked like this:

«My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3 kds FTF. ILNY, it’s a gr8 plc «. Translated into normal English, this means:

«My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place «. Translated into Russian it sounds like:

«Summer holidays were a complete bore. Before we went to my brother and his girlfriend in New York and talked to their trio of screaming children. I love New York, it’s a cool place. «[6] In the practical part I will give examples of this unusual SMS-text.

Attitudes of Pupils to a Form of Communication, such as SMS

The need for communication – a complex socio – psychological phenomenon. It is difficult to imagine a modern student who has not sought to daily communication by electronic means.

SMS – messages so popular that it has become part of our life! Use the service of short text messages today are able to even small children. With SMS, you can not only communicate with friends, but also to get a picture or a ring tone for your phone, check weather and much more. Wherein the first function – communication – still remains the most desired. Where necessary so that many cellular subscribers are sometimes subject to a kind of SMS – depending. Of course, its effects and consequences can not be compared with an addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling. But, nevertheless, the existence of SMS – mania recognized and dependence on such seemingly innocuous SMS- ca is a reality.

I decided to find out, and how things work in our school? Profile was drawn on several issues. In the survey attended by our students from 7 to 11 classes, as well as my friends from other schools.

Was attended by 60 people, ranging from 12 to 18 years.

1. Name

2. Age

3. Do you use SMS cellular services or social networks? What exactly and how often?

4. What reduction in correspondence you use? And what do they mean?

5. How long does it take you a virtual life?

In the chart below we can see that teenagers are very active in social networks, and simple majority of calls prefers communication via SMS.

Also, I asked the guys how much time takes them virtual life? Answers given in the ratio of time spent in seti/24 hours.



I received the following answers:



ЛОЛ – очень смешно

ЧС – черный список

ПЖЛ – пожалуйста

ОК – о’кей

ПЛИЗ – та же версия пожалуйста, но используется чаще, чем ПЖЛ

ПРИВ – привет

СПС – спасибо

НОРМ – нормально

ГО – пойдем (от англ. Go – идти)

And since my research are just cuts in SMS correspondence, I asked what the guys use words? The answers were interesting and varied, but many repeated reductions. So I put the most used in the diagram below, and also provided a list of frequently used acronyms decryption.

The study enables us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Large amount of time students spend on the Internet;

2. Students of our school are very active in social networks, and simple majority of calls prefers communication via SMS;

3. Students use to communicate via SMS all types of SMS-messages;

4. Students use to communicate via SMS SMS not only in Russian, as well as in English.


Thus, mobile communications and unique SMS-language penetrates into the different areas of our lives, influencing the culture as a whole. Some aspects of this effect can be regarded as positive, and some alarming the public.

Popularity SMS language causes concern among linguists who believe that slang is widely used among students whose language culture finally formed. «Students think the language and write phonetically.»

From a linguistic point of view for SMS language is characterized by excessive use of abbreviations, disregard for the rules of punctuation and spelling errors in phonetics, the inability to use complex grammatical constructions.

So, the current generation of teenagers who have a new way of expressing themselves through SMS language in the future will become illiterate specialists. Educators concerned about the situation and insist on the eradication of text messaging in favor of the preservation of the language.

At the same time, there is another point of view on this issue. A group of scientists in Britain takes this phenomenon as a fait accompli and, believing that «a new subspecies language already established,» includes a list of acronyms in the new Oxford Dictionary.

SMS-language interested not only linguists, but also doctors. Since messages are typed on a mobile phone with your thumbs, already documented cases of specific diseases brushes (mainly adolescents).

According to research by American psychologists have long been studying the «SMS- psychology « is the formation of a conditional «SMS- dependence», which first appear, if a person sends more than five posts in one day. According to experts, this is evidence of fear of contact « eye – the eye «, as an attempt to escape from reality.

But there is another view psychologists craze SMS- language second nature – manifestation adolescents as a new means of expression, a convenient tool for the implementation of natural necessity in the world of new technologies.

People have always dreamed of creating a common language that would unite all nations and peoples. Today this role claims SMS – language, which was formed on the basis of abbreviations and symbols, are actively used for the transmission of short text messages. Scientists’ predictions of widespread SMS – language not confirmed having received its development in the social – the domestic sphere, it was not recognized in the business community, not become the language of business communication. First of all, SMS – language should be viewed not only as an element of youth subculture. Being a popular communication tool, it allows you to remove the problem of the existence of a language space and serves as a source of new lexicon. Therefore, despite the contradictory points of view, SMS- language part of mass culture and requires a theoretical understanding of the part and philologists and psychologists in order to reduce its negative impact on the traditional language and in shaping the personality of a teenager.

Библиографическая ссылка

Романова А.В. НАУЧНО-ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ РАБОТА НА ТЕМУ: «ЯЗЫК СМС-СООБЩЕНИЙ» // Старт в науке. – 2017. – № 5-2. ;
URL: https://science-start.ru/ru/article/view?id=867 (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).

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