Старт в науке
Научный журнал для школьников ISSN 2542-0186
О журнале Выпуски Правила Олимпиады Учительская Поиск Личный портфель


Седракян Л.С. 1
1 место работы
Гальченко Е.А. (, )
1. http://www.bbc.com/future
2. http://www.useoftechnology.com/
3. http://www.ehow.com/
4. http://www.antipope.org
5. http://itechfuture.com/

We live in the age of technology. We commute by automobiles and airplanes and communicate by emails and mobiles. The media and the Internet provide us the latest information from all over the world. Movies filled with hi-tech special effects entertain us. Air conditioners and room heaters keep our life comfortable despite climatic inconveniences. The list goes on. Technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. In today’s fast paced world, technological progress, changes, and advances are happening everyday. Occasionally the technological progress, changes, and advances are both good and bad.. Most people feel that technology has benefited us immensely. Technology today has made life easier and better. As we look at the technologies, what is modern technology? Modern technology is machinery that makes life easier. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using any stoves and making a big mess. And dishwashers put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it washes them automatically. Modern technology makes things very easy to use and save time comparing it in the old fashion way. Often a country’s level of modernization is measured by the ease with which people can communicate with each other. There are so many reasons why technology has changed people’s lives. Now most of the people live in a comfortable environment where technology could do everything for them. Innovation and curiosity extend our capabilities beyond the human imagination, and continue to break barriers every passing minute. Electricity, telephone and the steam engine changed the everyday human life in the early twenty first century, and the information technology that was developed within the last forty years, continue to lead the human imagination beyond the horizon. But is it undoubtly good that technology shapes our future life and the world our grandchildren will live?

Development of the new technology has a large impact on three major fileds, and can be categorized as information technology, transportation and utilities.

Information technology

Many praise information technology as mankinds’s most important invention so far, and no other technology has come near the success that the information age has achieved. Many people use technology and do not even realize it.The ability to communicate and exchange information across long distances has enabled the world to become a smaller place. The internet helps to build new online communities, and it creates new digital societies. The world has become a small town, and the technology helps us to breakdown barriers that kept humans seperated for centuries. Issues such as religion, culture and race are disappearing quickly because of the information age. Children have the chance to learn individually, and the classroom has become a universal playground. People with disabilities can use the information technology to overcome physical barriers, and their voices can reach out to millions of people around the globe. The unlimited flaw of information has enabled businesses to communicate and trade, regardless of their location.

We believe that one of the most astonishing technological breakthroughs in this world today is the personal computer. If everyone would just think about how much a computer helps us, we would appreciate it more. Advancement in technology has made our everyday lives easier. These advancements allow better and easier ways to teach kids in schools and bring them new experiences while helping them learn the most beneficial way. Students are able to access information and research on any toPic right from their classrooms. Learning from technology is also an exciting way for kids to learn because of all the Pictures and videos available on the Internet. Students no longer need to carry those heavy text books for every subject separately causing their book bag to be insanely heavy but instead any number of text books can be downloaded on to a tablet just with a few clicks which weights even less then a single text book.


Nowadays, we are constantly connected with our iPhones, laptops, Facebook and Twitter. It all could not be imagined without our cell phones and social media. Whether we like it or not, modern technology has been integrated into just about every nook and cranny of the economy, society and our personal lives. We are surrounded by smart machines and tools cars, televisions, Smartphones, the Internet, e-commerce sites and so on. Could you imagine a day without technology in your life? What happens when you want to make a call to someone at work? We are reaping the benefits of technology in almost everything we do, and so it is impractical and almost ridiculous to say that technology has not improved our lives. The advancement in technology affects everything in our lives whether for information, communication, and development.

In other words, information technology has become a necessity intake that supports human life with the arrival of globalization. So we cannot run away from technological development of this world at any time. Technology was invented to make every human activity easy. Technology has a a variety of numerous types. One example of the most popular technologies in this era of globalization is the gadget. Several years ago, gadget owned by the business community for a smooth job. However, now the gadgets have been owned by every people, especially teenagers.

On the oher hand, this invention has created the Generation of Laziness.

With every thing made easier, or completely done for us, through the use of technology, people are slowly but surely forgetting how to do things the old fashioned way…good old hard work when we get so many new things in our life, that will cause some problems in life. Maybe people will feel strange around other people, because we will hardly talk to one another. We have known all of the answers by modern machines. We use the Internet to connect everything.

You no longer have to pull out the dictionary or visit the library if you want information, you can simply type in a question and get an answer. This is also true for children, they are becoming more and more focused on things like the internet and video games that they are spending much less time outside and being active.

However, we need to consider that eye contact, face expression, and physical touch are very important to human beings.

Moreover,the more the technology advances, the faster new and more efficient versions are designed. This is a problem because you may have the newest and best piece of technology, but it will become obsolete in very little time. It is causing our landfills to be filled up with no longer used computers, cell phones, and other things that are damaging to the environment.

Some Dramatic Predictions for 2030

Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in all of human history.

By 2030 the average person will have packages a week delivered with flying drones. They will travel 40% of the time in a driverless car, use a 3D printer to print hyper-individualized meals, and will spend most of their leisure time on an activity that hasn’t been invented yet.

The world will have seen over 2 billion jobs disappear, with most coming back in different forms in different industries.

Most people will have stopped taking pills in favor of a new device that causes the body to manufacture it’s own cures.

Space colonies, personal privacy, and flying cars will all be hot toPics of discussion, but not a reality yet.

Over 80% of all doctor visits will have been replaced by automated exams.

By 2030 scientists will have perfected an active cross-species communication system, enabling some species to talk to each other as well as humans.

By 2030 we will see the first hurricane stopped by human intervention.

By 2030 we will see wireless power used to light up invisible light bulbs in the middle of a room.

By 2030 cable television will no longer exist.

According to the BBC site there will be dramatic changes in the humanity’s life due to the innovations that are ready to appear. What’s going to happen in 2016? In ten year’s time? 50 years? 100? We look ahead to see what the future holds according to the predictions from thin kers, scientists – and the odds of them happening.

Smart House

SMART HOUSE System has been available since early 1993. In a SMART HOUSE, people build a relationship between computer and home. The SMART HOUSE is a home

management system that allows home owners to easily manage their daily lives by

providing for a lifestyle that brings together security, energy management,

entertainment, communications, and lighting features. So, the SMART HOUSE system is designed to be installed in a new house. Moreover, the system can beinstalled in a home undergoing reconstruction where walls have been completely exposed.

Moreover, the SMART HOUSE system has been packaged to satisfy any home buyer’s needs and budget and can be installed in new homes.

Firstly, more saving can be gained when the SMART HOUSE System offers

several energy management options that have the potential to reduce a home owner’s utility bill by 30% or more per year depending on the options installed.

For examples, a smart house can turn lights on and off automatically, it can

help save on your electric bill. Moreover, the heating and air conditioning can

be more efficiently controlled by a computer, saving tremendously on the cost of

maintaining a consistent temperature within a large house. The exact level of

savings will pay vary by house due to local utility rate structures, size of

home, insulation, lifestyle, etc.

Secondly, it is an easily operating system. Home owners can control

their SMART HOUSE System using a menu driven control panel, touch-tone phone,

personal computer, remote control or programmable wall switch. All SMART HOUSE

controls are designed to be simple and easy to use. Because smart houses are

independence, they can help people with disabilities maintain an active life. A

smart house system can make such tasks easier by automating them. Lights and

appliances can be turned on automatically without the user having to do it

manually. For people with short term memory problem, a smart house can remind

them to turn off the stove or even turn the stove off by itself.


Future cars

Similarly, in a not too distant future, several new features will change the way we handle our cars, as well as the whole driving experience. Here are five innovations that can very well be part of cars in the upcoming years.

Communication between cars

This is an important factor to prevent accidents and issue relevant warnings among drivers. The Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technology may cause a car automatically stop when going through an intersection and another car comes in its way, or to slow down when there bumps on the road, for example.

Wireless battery

Some manufacturers, such as Audi and BMW, have been working on wireless battery recharging systems for electric or hybrid vehicles. The idea is that, when a car is moving or parks on some specific induction pavements, the battery begins to be charged through a magnetic field. Such innovations can help popularize electric vehicles even further.

Information on the windshield

Soon enough, seeing information about your car projected on the windshield will not be just a movie thing. Drivers may get access to numerous data right in front of them, such as current speed, oil level, weather conditions and GPS data, facilitating interaction with what happens both inside and outside the car.

4G Connectivity

Cars, other than being connected to the mobile devices we use everyday, will also use the Internet in an increasingly efficient manner. Today, the 4G connection stands out for its speed, and its use can spread rapidly in cars – maybe sooner than we think.

Use of solar energy

While cars powered by solar energy have not yet Picked up, this type of sustainable energy can be fantastic for storing energy. It would be a great form to, for example, charge the car’s battery or improve its performance while driving or when stuck in traffic.

All these innovations, among many others, have the potential to be groundbreaking in the automotive world.

All in all there are positive and negative opinions on how people can cope with future innovations


The last two centuries have brought tremendous positive scientific and technological breakthroughs that have improved the wealth and length and quality of life for most people.

Plentiful, less-polluting sources of energy such as nuclear fusion, natural gas, solar and wind could help reduce environmental damage .Technology can help improve education and democracy.


People generally are overconfident and misguided that using technology will solve our problems.

Science and technology provide knowledge and tools to solve problems, but do not solve them, since they can be used for good or ill.

All powerful scientific and technological changes have powerful negative side effects.

Although technological changes seem to be accelerating, political and social changes remain slow and has trouble keeping up.

Diseases, technologies and wars have increasingly global and deadly potential.

Centralization of technologies such as the Internet, power grids and data centers may increase the chances of single points of failure.

Social, Psychological, Philosophical and Religious:


Increased global access to information, communication and education is accelerating social change.

Overall, most people in every country and economic group are good, well-meaning, kind, generous and helpful to each other.

There are now more brilliant minds, ideas and inventions, which can have tremendous positive influence on society.

Although individuals are relatively ignorant, selfish, narrow-minded, short-sighted and fallible, collectively society is now more diverse, intelligent, and self-correcting.


The vast majority of people have little understanding and trust of science.

Most people believe in gods, demons, spirits, the afterlife and supernatural.

Too often, business trumps science, extroverts trump introverts, personality trumps character, speech trumps thought, rhetoric trumps ethics, and appearance trumps truth.

It is not pleasant to listen to pessimists, doomsayers, or negative prognoses.

Eco-fashion and wishful thinking is easier and more pleasant than dealing with harsh realities.

Politicians, corporations and individuals are often more motivated by public image than real impact, are often penny-wise and pound-foolish with their efforts of conservation and reduced carbon emissions, and are doing too little too late to stop the damage.

Like a frog in a slowly heating pan of water, we cannot easily get ourselves out of situations that worsen at an imperceptibly slow pace.

It is very difficult for most individuals to work toward solving problems that won’t be solved in their own lifetimes, or to care about what will happen to the world in 100 or 200 years when nobody we know will still be alive.

Anyway we believe that the future of the world can go in a positive direction if enough people seriously and continually consider the question of how their lives and decisions, large and small, can shape that future

Библиографическая ссылка

Седракян Л.С. ПЛЮСЫ И МИНУСЫ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ БУДУЩЕГО // Старт в науке. – 2017. – № 2. ;
URL: https://science-start.ru/ru/article/view?id=619 (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).

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