To learn about the medicine in the past and see how it is developing and in what way it is popularized on the local level now.
- To learn more about important discoveries and people, who developed and promoted medicine;
- Understand, whether Novosibirsk has any museums or exhibitions, where people, who are interested in medicine can see exhibits they want;
The reasons
There are many important discoveries that have been made in the course of the development of medicine, without these breakthroughs in medicine; people's lives would be very difficult, not as long and comfortable as now. I chose this theme for the project because all people turn to medicine for help, but most of them do not know the stages of its development, important discoveries and scientists who made them.
I have a hypothesis that in every big city there are places, where people can learn something new about history of the development of medicine.
- Search;
- Analytical;
I want to tell you about a long period of the development of medicine all over the world. This period continues in our days! The history of medicine is not as short as people may think. In fact, it is as long as the history of the human race. Doctors have been doing remarkable things for thousands of years. Next, you will see the most important, in my opinion, discoveries in medicine and people who made them. I put them in order: from the past to present. While collecting materials for this paper, I researched online resources on the topic of medicine and museums related to it. Also, I visited web-sites specialized on history of medical equipment or equipment itself.
The main text
Ancient documents dating as far back as 1600 B. C. show that the Egyptians were the first to complete a surgery successfully. It was certainly very painful, but it was an important first step toward modern medicine.
Initially wheelchairs were abundant in the VI century BC China. Harry Jiggins was the first to mass-produce lightweight steel wheelchairs to help a friend who injured his back in a mine accident. Modern wheelchair that is controlled with your hands, have invented Emik Avakian, who was born disabled.
In 1560, the first artificial limb was invented. It was thought to have belonged to Gotz von Berlichingen, a knight who lost his left arm in a battle. Unlike today's artificial limbs, it was made of iron and would have been very heavy and difficult to use. These two inventions significantly simplified lives of people with disabilities!
Thirty years after that, the first microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen of the Netherlands. This invention changed medicine forever by giving doctors a tool to examine blood for diseases accurately. The microscope also led to the discovery of blood types in 1901, which revolutionized medical procedures and ensured safer surgeries.
In 1895 the first medical X-ray was used by doctors to examine soldiers' injuries. It helped to fast determination of type of injury and how it difficult was. So this invention increased the number of saved lives.
Before the invention of anesthesia, all operations would be terribly painful or very fast. Operations had to be carried out for 3 minutes, otherwise patients died from pain shock. (16 of October 1846). The lack of adequate anesthesia inhibited the development of surgery-of abdominal operations and the question could not be.
Before the invention of insulin, a full life for patients with diabetes was impossible: the complication of the disease led to loss of vision, renal failure and other terrible consequences. This invention was a real revolution in endocrinology. Insulin is still the only available and safe drug for the relief of diabetes. This discovery was made by Canadian physiologist Frederick Bunting in 1922.
The discoverer of antibiotics is the Scottish scientist Fleming, who in 1928/1929 described the bactericidal effect of penicillin fungus colonies on bacterial colonies. Like many other great discoveries in medicine, the discovery of antibiotics was made by accident.
In 1888 appeared the first contact lenses they were made by the Swiss physician Adolf Gaston Eugene Fick she was made of glass and weighed about half a gram. Now, many people, who should, but do not like to wear glasses, whole their lifes use the contact lenses. And they don’t think about, how will they live without lenses.
It is difficult for modern patients to imagine that not so long ago doctors did without such a method of diagnosis as ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examination has made a real revolution in medicine, giving doctors a highly informative and safe way to examine patients. In just some half a century which has a history of ultrasound medicine ultrasound examination has become the main assistant in the diagnosis of most diseases. For example, this method of diagnosis helps doctors to follow the course of pregnancy.
Practical part
Now people can find everything they want on the Internet, but sometimes you want to see something in reality. To confirm or refute my hypothesis I made my own research, during which I was trying to answer the question: «Has Novosibirsk any museums or exhibitions on medical subjects, where people are able to see something medical that they are interested in? »
In February, my classmates and I visited a temporary exhibition in the art gallery - "Germany-the country of inventors", where the great achievements of this country in various fields including medicine were presented. Medical stand told us about the x-ray machine and laboratory for the production of artificial skin for transplantation to the victims of fires.
At the end of February, I decided to visit the Novosibirsk state Museum of local lore, hoping to find some exposition from the field of medicine. There was only a small stand with medicines and medical supplies that were used during the Great Patriotic war.
To learn about the museums of medicine in Novosibirsk, I searched the Internet, I talked to my grandmother, who worked in medicine for many years and have been working at the Medical Institute in recent years. Moreover, I talked to the adults who are currently working as doctors and they said that there are not any Museums on medicine’s development or history in this city! However, there is a Museum in the Medical Institute, which is dedicated to the history of it: there is information about teachers and students who died in the Great Patriotic war, graduates of the medical Institute, but there is nothing to say about the history of medicine. Also, there is the Anatomical Museum. Unfortunately, I could not get there, because it is closed until the summer.
I am surprised that in such a big city as Novosibirsk there are not any proper medical museums. It is not very good because the information that a person can get in the Museum is important not only for those who plan to connect their lives with medicine, but also contribute to the overall level of culture of the inhabitants of our city.
Medicine has a huge history. I am sure that in the nearest future there will be many discoveries in different fields of medicine because it does not stand still! The modern generation of scientists is on the way to new great discoveries.
Now, many children are interested in medicine. My friends and I want to become doctors. But in Novosibirsk we have no places, where we can get knowledge related to medicine and its history. The only opportunities to learn something new about medicine are temporary exhibitions or individual research through informed people. Unfortunately, not everyone had the opportunity to visit exhibition and not everyone has relatives in medical field. I believe that a large and modern city like Novosibirsk definitely needs a Museum of the history of medicine. It will raise the overall level of people's culture and will help to interest children in achieving their goals.
Also, despite the popularization of medicine is lacking today, we should work on this problem and invest in medical events more. If not, we will lose our history and forget people, without whose discoveries, we would not have lived as long and comfortable as now.
Библиографическая ссылка
Исакова Е.И. МЕДИЦИНА ОТ АНТИЧНОСТИ ДО НАСТОЯЩЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ // Старт в науке. – 2020. – № 5. ;URL: https://science-start.ru/ru/article/view?id=1948 (дата обращения: 10.02.2025).