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Passport of the project
Title. Out of city. A guide for foreign tourists
Author. Shevchenko Ilya, the 5th form
Tutor. Skira Natalya Mikhailovna
Aims and objectives
Aim: to raise awareness among people about sights of our region. Make both foreign and local tourists interested in exploring the North-West part of Moscow region. Provide information about various places of interest near Odintsovo that are worth visiting all year round.
To find information about the most interesting and beautiful places of interest
2. To visit these places to have my own opinion
3. To make a simple tourist guide with useful information about transport, hotels, and restaurants in our region
4. To make a presentation for my classmates to raise awareness about rich culture of our native land
Steps of working on the project
December 2017: reading and learning about different sites in Odintsovsky region;
Results: I have divided interesting places into below listed groups:
1. Churches and monasteries
2. Historical country estates of famous people
3. Secret scientific objects
4. Relaxing and having fun outdoors all year round
5. Restaurants with traditional Russian food.
Then I have chosen the best ones which I want to write about
January 2018: visiting the most interesting places with my family, writing short reviews, surfing the internet for detailed information, looking for impressive photo materials.
Results: I have visited most of the places. For a helicopter ride I have collected detailed information while visiting Podushkino Heliopark office.
February 2018: posting my reviews in social networks, sharing information with my parents’ foreign friends, making presentation in class, making a survey (Appendix 1).
Searching for good restaurants which serve traditional Russian meals and visiting some of them. Writing a review.
Results: I have sent my presentation and a survey to my aunt who works for Microsoft company. She shared it with her foreign colleagues who demonstrated high level of interest to most of the sites described in my project.
I have visited some of the restaurants and cafes serving traditional Russian food. I have written reviews on some of them.
I have presented my project in my class and in some other classes, too.
March 2018: making a booklet of the project
Result: booklet with a short weekend program for tourists is ready.
Materials used and technical equipment
Books and magazines about sights of the Moscow region.
Personal experience while visiting the places of interest described.
Various internet websites.
Program used for creating the booklet: www.readymag.com.
Russia has always been of great interest for foreign tourists. It is not surprising because our country has rich culture and historical traditions. A lot of genies were born here who had made the whole world thankful for masterpieces of Art, Music, and Literature. The history of our nation goes deep into the past and has so many fascinating moments that everyone would like to discover.
However, if you ask a foreigner about the most famous places in Russia, he will probably tell you about the Red Square, the Bolshoy Theatre, Arbat and Tverskaya streets, and some other places in the center of Moscow. If he was lucky enough to visit Saint Petersburg, he will seriously believe that he has seen and learned a lot!
I think that it may be a good idea to show foreign people the breathtaking views and impressive historical sights of our homeland – the Moscow region, particularly, the North-West part of it!
Firstly, it will make their journey very special because they will meet Russian countryside which is very beautiful. They will have a chance to enjoy the natural beauty of Russia with its forests, lakes, rivers and fields. They will learn a lot of interesting facts about Russian orthodox culture, and visit amazing country estates of the former nobles.
Secondly, the trip will take no more than two or three days and won’t be very expensive. Considering all the above said, foreign tourists should be positive about visiting Moscow countryside and getting unique travel experience.
In our everyday life we don’t have much time to travel. I hope that my little research will show how interesting it is to explore our native land and how proud we have to feel about living here! I want to make my friends interested in learning the history of Odintsovo neighborhood and motivate them to visit places of interest which it offers!
Main body
1. Ancient churches on the North-West of Moscow region. Fine samples of the orthodox culture
The Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery is the most famous sight of Zvenigorod, which is 35–40 minutes away from Odintsovo. It was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev (Appendix 2.1).
The family of Tsar Alexy chose the monastery as a family church and would often visit it and make donations. Most of the buildings and churches on the territory of the monastery date from early 15–th century. The oldest building in the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and one of the oldest in Moscow region is the The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral. It was built between 1404 and 1405.
The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. Today it is a working monastery where monks live and work. You can visit some shops with handmade souvenirs, herb tea, honey, fresh monastery bread which was just baked, and relax in a small cafe with simple, but tasty monastery food.
In addition to being a monastery, the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery can be considered as a museum or Art, Architecture, History, and Orthodox traditions. One of the most interesting parts of it to visit is the Tsar and Tsaritsa’s chamber where you can see ancient furniture, clothing, and decorations of that time (Appendix 2.2).
The monastery is actually a fort with heavy thick walls surrounding it. It is located on a hill from where you can have a panoramic view which is really fantastic! No matter when you visit the place - the natural beauty of it is a masterpiece itself!
New Jerusalem Monastery in Istra is another place in North-West part of the Moscow region which you will definitely want to see if you are interested in some Russian Orthodox sightseeing! The monastery is huge and is visible from miles around (Appendix 2.3). It was built in 1656 and its architecture is slightly unusual that makes the place worth seeing! Although it is currently under reconstruction, it is open for visitors.
The monastery was founded by patriarch Nikon, who was one on the closest friends of the Tsar, Alexy I. Nikon was very powerful and managed to bring in many reforms into Russian Orthodox Church. But his power and authority were also the reason why he had fallen out of favour with the ruling Tsar some years later. However, Nikon had enough time to build a residence for himself - the New Jerusalem Monastery.
The site for the monastery was chosen as its location resembled the Holy Land. The river Istra was renamed the new Jordan River and the unusual huge conical roof of the Cathedral of the Resurrection, covered in gold, was intended to resemble a cathedral by the same name in Jerusalem. Nikon invited foreign monks to live here to represent the multinational nature of the city of Jerusalem.
Today New Jerusalem Monastery is not only a place of worship for many Orthodox Christians, but also a museum which displays some precious icons, paintings, and wooden models of the building showing how it was constructed (Appendix 2.4 and 2.5).
Despite relatively distant location this place definitely worth a visit! You will know a lot of interesting historical facts about the times of Nikon, will see rare orthodox icons on display, will listen to the touching singing of the Orthodox choir and will be impressed with the size and beauty of the sight. Take a walk around the monastery, and have a look at the river and Istra town. If you are lucky enough you will see people baptizing themselves in the new river Jordan.
2. Famous estates in Odintsovsky district
Arkhangelskoe Estate is one of the most interesting and accessible places to visit in Odintsovo neighbourhood. Although most of the buildings are closed for reconstruction, you can still admire them from the outside, because Arkhangelskoe is a huge park with marble statues, fountains, colonnades, benches where you can walk, relax and even have a picnic! (Appendix 2.6 and 2.7).
Back to the history, Arkhangelskoe was founded in 1780s by Nikolay Golitsyn, but it was never completed. Golitsyn sold the estate to Prince Nikolay Yusupov - one of the richest men in Russia at the time. Yusupov took up after Golitsyn, but still it was not easy to finish the project. It was occupied by Napoleon troops during the war of 1812. Eventually, Yusupov finished the estate and place his art collection in one of the buildings. From that moment Arkhangelskoe became a center of Moscow high society life with important guests dropping by on a regular basis. During the Soviet era the palace and the artworks were open for public viewing but it has now long been closed for restoration work.
Of course, the best time to visit Arkhangelskoe estate is summer. It is not only because of the weather but also because you can enjoy classical music concerts which are regularly held in the estate in summer. There is even a jazz festival called “Usadba Jazz” which is an important event for jazz lovers!
Visiting Arkhangelskoe is a unique experience. It may become one of your favorite places ever seen! Enjoy the spectacular view, wander along the numerous footpaths, go down to the river and relax at an open air cafe which offers a variety of dishes!
Zakharovo Estate Museum is another place to visit in our native land!
The estate is located just 20 minutes away from Odintsovo and contains a mansion, a park and a pond. It is also a part of the A.S. Pushkin State Historical and Literature open-air Museum. Pushkin, the founder of Russian Literature, lived in Zakharovo for a short period of time until he turned seven. Little Alexander first came to Zakharovo, a family estate, when he was almost six. According to the stories told by relatives, he changed a lot during a year under of influence of nature and people, living there. Previously shy boy suddenly became strong, curious, and adventurous. The atmosphere of the estate and its surrounding had a strong impact on the little poet. Since his childhood he became attracted by simple Russian people, their folk stories, and charming beauty of Russian nature. All these memories were later reflected in Alexander’s literary works.
Today Zakharovo is a renovated mansion and a beautifully groomed park. It is a museum representing the life of Russian nobles of 18th - 19th centuries and it brings you back to the times when little Alexander would run and play in the park or sit with a book by the window (Appendix 2.8 and 2.9).
Zakharovo estate demonstrates very well how Pushkin is dear to Russian people and I am honored to introduce this place to our possible foreign guests since I study at the Lyceum named after this great Russian poet!
3. Tesla Coils from a bird’s eye view. Experience flying the helicopter
Somewhere in Podushkino forest, just five minutes away from Odinstovo by taxi, hidden from eyes, there is a real Helicopark. You can take a helicopter ride flying over the neighborhood. You will see beautiful landscapes, enjoy the scenery of recently visited Savvino-Storozhevsky and New Jerusalem monasteries from a bird’s eye view, and will see something really interesting!
There are some really huge constructions in the forest close to the town of Istra. They are Tesla generators which were built some years ago in Soviet era for making experiments with high voltage electricity. This place was kept in secret because there were several scientific laboratories where the soviet scientists conducted research of some global importance.
Needless to say, that even in Russia not many people know about these Tesla Coils in Istra region. Years ago the object was absolutely secret, it was guarded by military and it was not possible to approach it from the side of the town. Later, when the Soviet Union collapsed, the experiments with electricity were considered to be too expensive and not actual anymore. The project closed down but still the territory is not accessible. So, take a unique chance to look at it from the height! (Appendix 2.11, 2.12, 2.13).
The helicopter ride may fit four adults, lasts 25–30 minutes, and costs 21 000 RUB. Recalculating into dollars, we end up with the price of 93–98 USD per person, depending on the exchange rate. Not too much for such an unforgettable experience!
4. Enjoy Russian nature all year round
After visiting historical sites it is time for fun and relax outdoors! I am proud to admit that there are many parks with well thought sport and leisure activities near Odintsovo, where you can take a walk, do some sport, have rest on the open air and even fish!
Kubinka fishing park is a modern closed area with several big natural lakes full of trout! You can fish there absolutely legally on a comfortable peer with all the necessary fishing equipment! The lakes are so big that you will have a feeling that nobody else is fishing today but you! If you spend two or three hours sitting by the lake you will probably catch enough to have a delicious dinner! Just bring the fish to one of the small cafes nearby or cook it yourself on an open fire. Visiting Kubinka fishing park is a way to experience one of the most favorite Russian hobbies – traditional fishing. In the evening, after watching the beautiful sunset, you have a choice to return to the town or stay for a night at the park. If you want to stay, there is a nice small wooden hotel built in Russian style with sauna and Russian banya! The price for a double room is 4500 RUB (Appendix 2.10).
Lasutinsky Park of sport and leisure is right there, in Odintsovo! It is one of my favorite places where I like to spend weekends with my family. There are plenty of things to do all year round! In summer you can ride a bike or roller skates along the special paths, play football with friends, climb trees at Panda park, or simply run and walk. In winter you can ski in the forest or slide down the numerous hills on sledges of special ice pillows. It is so much fun to spend time actively playing sports and enjoying the nature on the open air! The park is very big, there are 5 or 6 trials for 3–6 kilometers each. Although the place is very popular with children, families, and even sportsmen, it is never crowded
If you come with little kids, they will be happy to spend some time on the playground with lots of interesting things on it! Just sit comfortably on a bench and watch the children play.
On your way out of the park, don’t forget to stop at a nice cafe serving pizza, pastry, cold and hot drinks. You can also get some herb tea or coffee outside.
Lasutinsky Park was named after Larisa Lusutina – Olympic ski champion. It was designed so that people could practice different kinds of sport at a high level and raise popularity of the health style of life in our town. The park is planned in details and is very clean. It is worth a visit if you need to get some rest and fresh air! (Appendix 2.14, 2.15).
Haskas Park in Rublevskoe highway is another place to go if you love the wildlife!
It brings some Arctic culture into Moscow region and gives a chance to communicate with dogs! If you come in winter the smart creatures will pull the sledge and give you a ride along the park. The park is actually in the forest and it is truly amazing! The landscapes of Rublevskoe highway are believed to be the most beautiful ones! So, don’t miss the chance to take fantastic pictures, to pet the dogs, and to enjoy the nature.
Haskas Park is an ethnic park where you can learn about culture and traditions of the Russian North. You can visit the typical igloo, drink traditional herb tea with milk, watch the shaman dancing performance and shop for souvenirs.
The recommended time to spend in the Haskas Park is about three hours. It will be enough to have much fun, get some new knowledge, and spend time outdoors (Appendix 2.16, 2.17).
5. Restaurants with traditional Russian food
No travelling can be completed without tasting some traditional dishes. Local food is a must to try and there is something really delicious for everybody, regardless of the taste! Traditional Russian cuisine is famous all over the world: pies, pancakes, dumplings, schi and borsch served with old styled black bread are very popular and can be found in many restaurants! But I will stop on some of them that can impress a foreign tourist most of all.
Tsar’s Hunt (Tsarskaya Ohota) is a fine restaurant not far from Odinstovo, in Zukovka place in Rublevskoe highway. It was started by Arkady Novikov - one of the most famous restaurateurs in Russia. Arkady’s name is a brand itself. If you want to visit the best place - it is the place to be! The interior of the restaurant is absolutely unique. The wooden rough furniture represents a hunting hut is a forest. As you enter the restaurant, you get a feeling that you came into your friend’s house to have some rest after hunting. The hostess wearing traditional Russian costume will meet you warmly and help you to sit at the best table available. The waiters will recommend special dishes and drinks that are popular in Russia. Visiting this place you should be ready to see the bill though! Zukovka is one of the most expensive places in Russia and the ordinary dinner will cost 40–50 USD per person.
Zagorodny Ochag is another place where you can enjoy delicious Russian food! It is right in Odintsovo and it is not necessary to use any public transport or taxi to get there! The menu offers wide range of traditional Russian salads, starters, soup, pies, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms which are so popular in Russia. In this place you can try not only typical Russian food, but Caucasian food as well: barbecue lamb, beef, pork, homemade cheese, Osetian pies - these are the dishes which you are going to love! Zagorodny Ochag has a large territory. You can sit either inside the main building or outside of it. From April to October you can have your meal outdoors watching domestic birds and animals near your table! This makes you feel as if you are visiting some good friends in a Russian village! The quality of food and reasonable prices make this place worth visiting!
No-name monastery cafes are the catering places that should be visited if you have an excursion in Zvenigorod or Istra. The food served there is very simple, as well as the decorations and furniture of the places. But what makes them really unique is that all food is cooked by real monks living in monasteries according to ancient Russian cooking recipes. The food you will try there is authentic and absolutely organic! You may also get a pot of really good monastery honey as a souvenir.
As a part of my study, I had to find out a lot of interesting sights and places in our native land - the North-West of Moscow region. It was impossible to write about everything that seemed interesting. There are hundreds of churches, monasteries, cathedrals, estates, and museums close to my native town Odintsovo! The places of interest listed and described above in my paper are just some of them which I decided to start with.
My parents and my aunt have a lot of English-speaking friends who live and work in Moscow. It is surprising that nobody has ever heard about places in my project. I made a presentation of my work in from of them showing beautiful pictures of monasteries and estates. All of them were amazed by the beauty of sights and got very interested in visiting some of the places from my presentation in the nearest future.
I think that my project can be of some practical meaning for foreigners and locals as well. First of all, the development of local tourism will bring more money to our native land and will help to make it even more beautiful. Secondly, the knowledge of Russian culture and traditions will make us feel proud of being Russians and living in such a wonderful area! And finally, if we start planning our weekend trips, we will spend precious time learning, spending time on the air, and watching beautiful nature!
The final stage of my project was to make a booklet - a short guide for tourists with colorful pictures and some useful information about sights, hotels, restaurants, transport and infrastructure of Odintsovo. I used RedyMag program to create a booklet. It is a modern and user-friendly program for designing websites and presentations (www.readymag.com). I could print out and bind the booklet at Format Copy Center (8/3 Krasnogorskoe shosse, Odintsovo). It cost 650 RUB only.
I really hope it will help foreigners to plan their trips better and not to be afraid of going out of Moscow!
Библиографическая ссылка
Шевченко И.Е. ЗА ПРЕДЕЛАМИ ГОРОДА. ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ ПО ПОДМОСКОВЬЮ ДЛЯ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ТУРИСТОВ // Старт в науке. – 2018. – № 5-5. ;URL: https://science-start.ru/ru/article/view?id=1178 (дата обращения: 08.02.2025).