Старт в науке
Научный журнал для школьников ISSN 2542-0186
О журнале Выпуски Правила Олимпиады Учительская Поиск Личный портфель


Колесник Д.И. 1 Эрмо-Мухина Д.Ю. 1
1 г. Саратов, МАОУ «Лицей «Солярис»«, 5 М-2 класс
Спирягина И.В. (Саратов, МАОУ «Лицей «Солярис»)
1. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием (Enjoy English): Учебник английского языка для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.– Обнинск: Титул, 2013.
2. Шереметьева А.В. Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник. – Саратов: Лицей, 2008.
3. И.Л. Бим: Deutsch, Schritte 4: Учебник, 2011.
4. http://www.forumlibertas.com/.
5. https://es.wikipedia.org.
6. https://ru.wikipedia.org.
7. http://projectbritain.com/education/index.html.
8. Интервью со школьниками Испании.

Данная статья является реферативным изложением основной работы. Полный текст научной работы, приложения, иллюстрации и иные дополнительные материалы доступны на сайте V Международного конкурса научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Старт в науке» по ссылке https://school-science.ru/5/3/33854.

1. Introduction

The education of children is one of the main tasks of our state because the successful future of our country depends on the level of pupils’ knowledge. At school we neither learn to write and count, nor we are taught to think and perform our projects.

Studying foreign languages (English, German and Spanish) in the “Lyceum Solaris” and reading information about educational system in these countries, we wanted to find out: What similarities and differences are there in the school week in these countries? What subjects do pupils study and do they have much homework as we?

The aim of our research – compare school week of children of the same age in Europe and Russia.

The tasks of this work are:

1. To study the school education in Russia and European countries.

2. To conduct a survey among classmates to compare their opinions about education in England, Spain and Germany with real facts.

The object of the study is the school education in different countries.

The practical value of this work we see in expanding the horizons, getting more information about European schools, and also making friendly contacts with our pen friends.

We have used the following methods by doing our research: collecting materials from various sources; interviewing student of the same year in Russia and Spain; consultations with teachers; analysis and comparison; generalization; using of computer technologies.

Results of the research: Make a presentation on the theme: «The school week in Europe and Russia».

To carry out the practical part of the work, a survey of classmates was conducted in the form of a questionnaire, which made it possible to put forward a hypothesis:

School week in Europe is not much different from Russia, but Russian schoolchildren are too overwhelmed with homework.

2. Theoretical part. The educational system in Europe

As you know, the history of education in Europe dates back to the Middle Ages. For example, the first university in Europe was opened in the 11th century in Bologna, Italy. Schools appeared much earlier and as a rule functioned at various religious institutions.

The first university in Russia began its work in 1724, in St. Petersburg. And of course, we are interested to know whether the six-hundred-year time gap between the emergence of higher education in Europe and Russia affected the current situation in education.

The European educational system has its own characteristics. The system of school education in Europe is divided into public and private.

But it is wrong to compare state education in Russia with private schools in Europe. Therefore, in this research work we will examine public schools in Europe to compare them with the Russian ones.

2.1. British schools

The educational system of Great Britain developed over a hundred years. This is a complex system with slight differences between different parts of the country. The English educational system differs from what we have in Russia. The education in Britain is compulsory from 5 to 16 years. More than 95 % of all English children study in public schools. All public schools in the UK are free of charge and provide their students with books and equipment.

– Nursery school (from 2 to 5 years) – optional education.

– Junior schools or primary schools (from 6 to 11 years);

After graduation they pass the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) in the form of testing all main subjects.

– Senior School – or secondary school (from 12 to 16 years). Both state and private schools from 5 to 10 classes prepare students for the exams on General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Classifying schools by sex, they can be divided into three types of institutions: mixed schools, schools for girls and boys’ schools.

2.2. School education in Germany

In Germany studying begins at age of 6 and it’s divided into primary and secondary schools. The types of secondary schools in Germany are as follows:

– Grundschule – from 6 to10 years,

– Hauptschule – from11 to 16 years and assumes the subsequent training in the vocational school;

– Realschule – is designed for 6 years of study. A high score allows a student to enter the senior class of the gymnasium, and then to the university;

– Gymnasium – there the training lasts 8–9 years and gives the most seriously education.

The German education system accommodates and caters for students with various abilities. Beyond the traditional academic subjects of Maths, Science, Geography, History and Languages, the German system also provides opportunities for students to study vocational disciplines.

School education in Spain

The history of education in Spain dates back to the 12th century. In that time the first university was opened in the city of Palencia. Nowadays there are well-developed systems of both public and private education in the kingdom. The state education system in Spain is divided into 3 levels of compulsory education.

-Educación Primaria (elementary school) – from 6 to 12 years. This is free education. Each year of studying corresponds to the class number (curso).

– Educación secundaria Obligatoria (middle and high schools), lasts from 12 to 16 years.

– Educacion secundaria post-oblicatoria – after 16 years, the child can either continue his free education in high school and prepare for secondary or higher education or leave the school and continue his education in a secondary specialized institution or start working.

3. Practical part

In this research work we compared the school week pupils of 5 grades in Russia and Spain. We conducted a survey in class to find out what children know about European schools. The results of our survey are in (Appendix 1).

One of our classmates prepared questionnaire about studying in Spanish schools and her mother helped us to make the practical part of our work. She visited Spain and asked some questions to children and their parents.

Ilya and Polina are children from Russian – speaking families but they were born in Spain. They are student of 5form of primary school in a small town Torrevieja in Spain. They answered all our questions. From the interview with our new friends we have learned some interesting facts about their school week in Spain.


Pupils in Spain study 5 days a week. As a rule they have 6 lessons a day. The first 3 lessons take place without a change to rest. Then pupils have a big break (40 minutes) for food and a short walk. After the rest they have next 3 lessons. Each lasts 45 minutes.

The school day begins at 9 am and ends at 2 pm. After lunch the pupils can visit after- school activities or go home.

Timetable (Appendix 2).

The lesson schedule is issued to students once in the beginning of the year. We can note the fact that quantity of subjects is a little less than in our school. Children learn Spanish, Literature, Maths, Biology, Music, PE, IT, Geography and History, which are combined into one subject and Foreign languages. There is drawing lessons too. But it’s a bit different and called Art. On such lessons they are taught to draw, make sculpture or creative hand-made things. They have no Labor lessons.

It’s Interesting: In the elementary school pupils write in their papers with a pencil.

School Diary (Appendix 3)

Pupils have a school diary in Spanish school too, but it differs from the diaries in Russian schools and looks like a notebook. In their diaries they have term marks only. Marks for tests are displayed on a separate sheet for the report at parents’ meetings. (Appendix 4).

The last part of the diary is devoted to various tips and instructions. For example, the rules of behavior at school or class, advices how to organize your own training or how to prepare for the exams. There are also tips for parents and even advice on healthy food and safety. (Appendixes 5 -12)

Out of curiosity: There is a paper pocket in a school diary. It is used for money you need to pay or for a note from parents.

Homework (Appendix 13)

Pupils have a lot of homework every day. Students must write down the homework for each subject, and their parents sign it. In this way there is the control over the pupils’ homework.

Important: Pupils get no marks for homework.


There is a ten-point system of notes in Spain. And it seems to us that such system is much more accurate estimates of knowledge. Marks from 8 to 10 are very good.

School interaction with parents

They have no public electronic diaries. There is one day a week (Wednesday) when parents can come to a consultation with the teacher. At this consultation they usually ask questions about their child’s progress or discuss their problems.

After- school activities

The school education in Spain is aimed at comprehensive development of children, on the establishment of their independence, social skills and choice of occupation. There are excursions and trips, meetings with interesting people and volunteer work.

A comparison table of school week in Russia, Spain, Germany and England is in (Appendix 14).

4. Conclusion

During the work on the theme «The school week in Europe and Russia « we examined and compared the school weeks of the fifth grade pupils in such different countries as Russia, Spain, Germany and England. This work was exciting and useful for us. We found out a lot of interesting facts that can be used in our schools.

1. We successfully solved the research tasks. We investigated various sources of information and noticed some similarities.

– School education is given great importance in all countries.

– School education is compulsory for every child who is 5–6 years.

– In all countries state school prepare their students for the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

2. The results of schoolmates ‘questionnaire allow us to say that the most part of students don’t know about education in Europe or have incorrect information.

3. It was interesting to find out the following differences in European schools:

Each school in England and in Spain has the name (Westminster School in England, Kolehio de Cuba in Spain). But the most part of Russian schools have numbers.

In English schools children turn to the teachers Mr and Miss / with a surname, and in Spanish they can turn to the teacher for «you» or simply «profe» (teacher).

British students have only 3 terms and we have 4 terms.

In European schools the school year ends in June, and begins in the middle or end of September.

In British schools there is a norm of marks different from Russian schools:

A – 90–100 – excellent knowledge,

B – 80–89 – good,

C – 70–79 – satisfactory,

D – 60–69 – bad,

E – 0–59 – very bad.

In Spanish schools is a ten-point system of grades and in Germany is the 6–point system of grades.

At the end of each term teacher sends a report to the parents.

In England and in Spain all students have their own lockers. Lockers are important and guarantee the safety of students’ property.

In schools in Europe there is a system of punishment for certain disobedience, such as using mobile phones during the lessons.

In conclusion we can add that our hypothesis has partly confirmed. School week of Spanish pupils is not very different than ours. Spanish students have a lot of homework too but it’s their wish do it or don’t.

<p>Appendix 1</p>
<p>Results of questionnaire</p>
<p>1.&nbsp;Сколько дней в&nbsp;неделю учатся учащиеся Европейских школ?</p>
<p>6&nbsp;дней&nbsp;– 55 %</p>
<p>5&nbsp;дней&nbsp;– 38&nbsp; %</p>
<p>4&nbsp;дня&nbsp;– 7 % </p>
<p>2.&nbsp;Сколько уроков (в среднем) у&nbsp;учеников 5&nbsp;класса в&nbsp;Европейских школах?</p>
<p>5–6&nbsp;уроков&nbsp;– 80 % учащихся</p>
<p>4, 7&nbsp;уроков&nbsp;– 20 % учащихся</p>
<p>3.&nbsp;Есть ли у&nbsp;учащихся 5&nbsp;классов домашнее задание? Какое по&nbsp;вашему мнению?</p>
<p>Нет – 10 %</p>
<p>Есть, но&nbsp;мало&nbsp;– 52 %</p>
<p>Есть, столько же&nbsp;– 38 %</p>
<p>4.&nbsp;Когда в&nbsp;Европе начинается учебный год?</p>
<p>1&nbsp;сентября&nbsp;– 90 %</p>
<p>В другое время&nbsp;– 10 %</p>
<p>5.&nbsp;Англия, Германия, Испания. В&nbsp;какой из&nbsp;этих стран оценка «1» является наивысшим баллом?</p>
<p>Германия – 52 %</p>
<p>Испания – 45 %</p>
<p>Англия – 3 %</p>
<p>Есть ли в&nbsp;школах Европы школьный и&nbsp;электронный дневник?</p>
<p>Да&nbsp;– 64 %</p>
<p>Нет – 22 %</p>
<p>Не знаю – 14 %</p>
<p>Appendix 2</p>
<p>Timetable of 5th grade student in Spanish school</p>
<p><img src="/i/2018/5-4/koles1_fmt.jpeg" alt="koles1.tiff" /></p>
<table id="table-2">
<p>Английский яз.</p>
<p>Испанский яз.</p>
<p>Испанский яз.</p>
<p>Испанский яз.</p>
<p>Английский яз.</p>
<p>Испанский яз.</p>
<p>Валенсийский яз.</p>
<p>Валенсийский яз.</p>
<p>Валенсийский яз.</p>
<p>Английский яз.</p>
<p>Религия (необязательный)</p>
<p>Валенсийский яз.</p>
<p>Классный час</p>

Библиографическая ссылка

Колесник Д.И., Эрмо-Мухина Д.Ю. УЧЕБНАЯ НЕДЕЛЯ ШКОЛЬНИКА В СТРАНАХ ЕВРОПЫ И РОССИИ // Старт в науке. – 2018. – № 5-4. ;
URL: https://science-start.ru/ru/article/view?id=1150 (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).

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